Configuring Client Access ODBC

In you have Client Access for Windows 95/NT or Client Access Express, you can use the ODBC provider from IBM for communicating with your AS/400.  First, you need to ensure that the ODBC driver has been installed on your system.  To do this, run the Selective Setup program that is in your Client Access folder.  Once selective setup gets going, you should see a screen like that shown below.  If ODBC is checked, as it is in the example screen, you are ready to proceed.  If ODBC is not checked, you should check the ODBC box and continue with selective setup to cause ODBC to be installed.

If ODBC is not checked on your machine, checking it will cause ODBC to be installed.

Once ODBC is installed on your machine, you need to set up an ODBC data source so that the SQLThing program can communicate with your AS/400. To do this, select Settings and then Control Panel from your Windows Start menu. Once the control panel is open, double click on the ODBC Data Sources (32-bit) icon to start the ODBC Driver Manager. (If you are running Windows 2000, double click the Administrative Tools icon and then double click the Data Sources (ODBC) icon). Once Driver Manager is started, you should see a screen like the one below.

Click the Add button and you will be presented with a screen that allows you to choose the driver that you want to configure.  Select the Client Access ODBC Driver (32-bit) from the list and then press the Finish button.  You should be presented with the screen shown below.

This control panel applet lets you set all of the properties of you new data source.  First and most important, you need to name the data source.  I recommend you use the name MYAS400 as shown above.   Under the AS/400 System dropdown list, enter or pick the IP address of the AS/400 that you will be talking too.  Next, I recommend that you select the Server tab and then enter a list of libraries that you would like to be your default libraries in the Library List field. 

Next, select the Performance tab and make sure that the Extended Dynamic checkbox is not checked.  If this box is checked, ODBC will package all of your SQL statements on the AS/400.  Right now, you do not want to use packages so make sure that the check box is unchecked.  Finally, press the OK button to apply your settings and save this data source.