Options Panel - Database Options


The options panel allows you to change the way SQLThing interacts with your iSeries.  Below is a graphic of the screen and a description of each of the settings.

Stored Procedure Library

This option sets where SQLThing looks for it's job log viewer stored procedures.

AS/400 Job Information

This option is not used

Isolation Level

This sets the database isolation level that SQLThing will use when communicating with your AS/400.  The isolation level controls how SQL locks the records when they are read from a physical file.  If you are operating against non-journaled tables, you need to use the *NONE isolation level.

Use Autocommit

This setting determines whether ODBC Autocommit is enabled.  If you are working with non-journaled tables you should have this option checked.

Query Time Limit

This option set the time limit for the query optimizer.  *NOMAX indicates that the query optimizer will not time out any query, no matter how long the query might run.  Setting the value to 1 would cause the AS/400 Query Optimizer not to run any queries that it thinks will take over 1 second to process.

Procedure Testing Options

This allows you to specify whether a result set or parameter values should be returned from the stored procedure editor when you test a stored procedure. At this time, SQLThing can return either the parameters returned from a procedure call OR the result set returned from the procedure call, but not both at the same time.


This set of options controls your QAQQINI settings.  QAQQINI is a file that controls how the query optimizer behaves.  SQLThing has the ability to replicate the QAQQINI to QTEMP so that you can change the settings in QAQQINI without affecting other jobs on your AS/400. The following details each available setting:

Use Private Copy

This setting tells SQLThing to replicate the QAQQINI to QTEMP so that your changes do not affect other jobs on the AS/400 system.

Message Debug

This setting causes SQLThing to use QAQQINI to start sending optimizer messages to your job log.

Force Join Order

This setting causes SQLThing to turn on the Force Join Order entry in the QAQQINI which in turn causes the AS/400 to force joining files in the order they are listed in the FROM clause of the query.

Optimize Statistic Limitation

This changes the settings of the Optimize Statistic Limitation entry in the QAQQINI which in turn controls how much the optimizer looks at the logical files associated with the physicals in the query.  The Combo box can contain the values *NO, *DEFAULT, *PERCENT <i> or *MAX NUMBER RECORDS. If *NO, no additional looks are taken at actual logical flie data.  If *DEFAULT, the system uses the default values.  If *PRECENT, the system will look at <X> percent of the data in the logical files, where <X> is the integer entry in the next field.  If *MAX NUMBER RECORDS the system will scan <X> records where <X> is defined in the next field.

Open Cursor Limit

This controls how many cursors the job may have open at one time.  Even though you close a cursor, the AS/400 leaves them open in storage in case you need them again.  * is the default system value which equates to 200 open cursors.

Close Count

This tells the AS/400 how many cursors to close when the open cursor limit is reached.  * is the system default.