The following code can be called to start
debug on your AS/400 job. Once debug is started, the job log
will contain detailed optimization information about your
SQL statements. Use the example for retrieving your job number
so that you can get the AS/400 job number. Once you have the
job number, you can use the DSPJOB command to display the
locks, job log, etc for the job. The following examples are
given is VBScript, but could easily be adapted to JSP or Visual
To Start Debug:
set CON1 = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection")
set CMD1 = server.createobject("ADODB.Command")
/*open the connection */
cmd1.activeconnection = con1
cmd1.commandtext = "call qsys.qcmdexc('strdbg updprod(*yes)',0000000020.00000)"
/* the above starts debug on the as/400 by calling qcmdexc
api to execute command
strdbg*/ To End Debug: